i am a awesome ninja if you dont know that that yet
Posted on October 9th, 2009 at 2:01 pm by 037352 and

Hi i am hunter and i have lightning bolts continusley releasing from my friery hands of ninja awesomeness. I am a ninja so do what i say and follow just my rules. my friends are Justin Jared jobrien radyn Bryce Logan payment and Griffel Wyatt Corin John Haley Laurie Aubrey and Mckinley my study buddy. Whoever i did not put down i am sorry but your just not that impotant to me.anyways i am awesome at scootering and logan thinks hes better than me but i am just too ninja to reveal my mad ninja god scootering talent they would burn your eyes out of your sockets.

Comments so far:

Link Here | October 20, 2010,

Your nice.


Link Here | October 20, 2010,

so are you 😀


Link Here | November 15, 2010,

good podcast


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